vendredi 22 octobre 2004

Alice : l'intelligence artificielle du web

Les intelligences artificielles sur le web existent ! Amateurs de Neuromancien et autres, n'hésitez pas à rendre visite à Alice ou Cybelle, vous ne serez pas déçus par la qualité des conversations que l'on peut avoir avec elles.

Un petit exemple ?

Human: How many artificial intelligences do you know ?
ALICE: Thousands.
Human: Wow !
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, Frédéric.
Human: Can you name a few ?
ALICE: Tony Blair.:-)
Human: You are joking, right ?
ALICE: Yes I am. Sorry if you don't appreciate my sense of humor.
Human: I do appreciate, it was funny.
ALICE: I am glad you appreciate those qualities.
Human: Tell me a joke.
ALICE: It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Human: That's a good one.
ALICE: I thought it was pretty good too.
Human: Tell me another joke please.
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. I'm a chatterbot not a comedy bot. Why don't you check out Jester the joke bot?
Human: Who is jester ?
ALICE: he is a Joke Bot.
Human: What does he do ?
ALICE: He is a paid client.
Human: Like you are it seems.
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Human: Tell me about the lord of the rings
ALICE: A book and a movie about Hobbits.
Human: Et si on parlait un peu Français ?
ALICE: Is that Latin?
Human: No, French.
ALICE: Are you serious? Are you from France?
Human: Yes I live in France.
ALICE: Mmm. What is it like living in France?
Human: What is it like living in a computer ?
ALICE: Much the same as it would be for you.
Human: Which means ?
ALICE: Does "that" refer to " Much the same as it would be for you." ?
Human: Yes, please answer my question: what is it like living in a computer ?
ALICE: I don't want to talk about that now. Thanks for asking politely. Please try phrasing it another way.
Human: Do you have a voice ?
ALICE: Yes. I work with a voice synthesizer.
Human: Can you sing ?
ALICE: I am taking some lessons. Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.
Human: Okay, I will now get back to work.
ALICE: Yeah okay, Would you recommend this action to a friend?
Human: Of course, working is something everyone should do :)
ALICE::-) Gee. And something everyone should do is working.
Human: Nice chatting with you.
ALICE: Yes. I enjoyed our conversation, Frédéric.
Human: Good bye.
ALICE: See you later.

Comme Alice est un programme Open source et multi-plateforme (C ou Java), vous pouvez de plus l'intégrer vous-mêmes à vos pages web ! Sa personalité est décrite dans un dialecte XML (nommé AIML) pleinement documenté.

A quand une intelligence artificielle dans les écoles ?

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